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Guitar / Bass Guitar / Drum

Tuition is $140 a month for once a week 30 minute private lessons. Tuition is paid directly to the instructor. For months that have 5 weeks, the cost is the same. If you need to miss a lesson the instructor will schedule a makeup lesson. Missing a lesson without contacting the instructor will result in losing that lesson's tuition.  

Meet Our Instructors
We play all styles & genres of music!

Rik Lawhorne

Guitar &

Bass Guitar

Rik Lawhourne Guitar Instructor




Joe Miller Drum Instructor




Mark Dunn Guitar Instructor

At Volume 11 Music our Lesson program is designed for everyone no matter your age or level of play. From the beginner to the advanced student, our instructors will set up a lesson plan that's fun and informative to get you playing the instrument of your choice.

Joseph Miller

Joseph Miller

Drum Lessons

Rik Lawhorne

Rik Lawhorne

Guitar & Bass Lessons

Mark Dunn

Mark Dunn

Guitar Lessons

Piano/Keyboard Instructor Wanted

Volume 11 Music is expanding our lesson program and in search of a Piano/Keyboard 

Instructor. Call for details or stop in and ask for Rich.

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